About Social Orientation course

Samhällsorientering (Social Orientation) is a free education about Swedish society targeting those who have recently received a residence permit in Sweden.
You can study the course in your mother-tongue, in easy Swedish or in any other language that you are conversant in. It is the municipality where you live that organizes the course, mostly in collaboration with service providers like Optimal DocTech. The course is at least 100 hours long.
The course gives you knowledge about:
– The basic human rights
– Basic democratic values
– Rights and obligations
– How the Swedish Society is organized
– Practical everyday life.

Benefits of studying Social Orientation

The eight areas that the Social Orientation Course comprises of are:
– coming to Sweden
– Starting a family and living with children in Sweden
– living in Sweden
– Influencing in Sweden
– Making a living and developing in Sweden
– Looking after your health in Sweden
– The individual’s rights and obligations
– Aging in Sweden.
You also make study visits and meet, among other things, a dentist, a psychologist and the Fire Service.

Study Material in different languages

Information about Sweden is a website with study material and information in several languages. The website is used in the education. The book About Sweden is also used in the education. It is available for download in several languages.